Kimleigh Chemicals

Dr FG Adriaanse, for Kimleigh Chemicals SA (Pty) Ltd

The urease-inhibitor (UI) and nitrification-inhibitor (NI) manufactured by Kimleigh Chemicals SA (Pty) Ltd, active ingredients, mode of action to combat negative effects of nitrogen sources and recommended dosage

Research results:

 AZANON® U: Urease inhibitor

  • Schiff basis, like AZANON® U, is 31% more effective than NBPT during soil incubation (ChavesSilva, 2020).
  • Maize yield was increased by 4.6% compared to 0.6% for NBPT when treated urea was applied at 75 kg N/ha after planting (Adriaanse, 2021).
  • Wheat yield was increased by 9.6% compared to 2.6% for NBPT when treated urea was applied at 75 kg N/ha after planting (Adriaanse, 2022).
  • Nitrogen uptake in above ground wheat plant parts was increased by 1.6% compared to 1.1% for NBPT when treated urea was applied at 75 kg N/ha after planting (Adriaanse, 2022).
  • Wet mass of Buffalo grass was increased by 1.086 ton/ha (14.3%) when treated urea was applied at 92 kg N/ha (Opperman & Lubbe, 2018).

InnoX: Nitrification inhibitor

  • Maize yield was increased by 8% when treated urea was applied at 75 kg N/ha after planting (Adriaanse, 2021).
  • Maize yield was increased by 4.4% when treated Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) also known as Limestone Ammonium Nitrate (LAN) was applied at 40 kg N/ha after planting. Similarly, this yield increase was 4.1% at 80 kg N/ha (Adriaanse, 2022).

DetaiN: Urease + Nitrification inhibitor

  • Maize yield was increased by 10.8% compared to only InnoX and by 4.6% to only AZANON® U, when treated urea was applied at 75 kg N/ha after planting (Adriaanse, 2021).
  • Maize yield was increased by 1.2 ton/ha (15.8%) when treated urea and ammonium sulphate (1:0:0(40) + 6% S) was applied at 58 kg N/ha before planting (Adriaanse, 2022).

All trials were statistically conducted. Statistical differences are available on request.

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